
Luke Pelletier

Artist, Los Angeles, CA

Luke Pelletier grew up in western North Carolina and currently works and resides in Los Angeles. He graduated with a BFA in fine art from the School of Art Institute Chicago.

Living in a tourist town for much of his life, Pelletier has been heavily influenced by the seasonal economies and the multi-level relationships between tourists and locals. Much of Pelletier’s art blurs the lines between celebrating and condemning a culture that agrees to be taken advantage of while equally taking advantage of other cultures. His work is filled with personal anecdotes, dark humor, both dualities & contradictions through scenes of decaying paradise.

Pelletier uses photography, painting, sculpture, social practice, and writing to explore his moral dilemmas of romance, addiction, tourist culture, masculinity, and Americana.

Favorite Beer

Jungle boogie

Favorite Foods


Spirit Animals


Marz Designs

Double Jungle Boogie
Jungle Boogie
Boogie Nights

Meet more collaborators

Tess Havas

Designer and Illustrator
Meet Tess

John J Custer

Graphic Designer, Illustrator, and Art Director
Meet John