Sonic Visual Graphics has been creating quality character designs since 2002 under the moniker of “Veggiesomething”.

His characters have been featured at art events in places such as the Bass Museum of Art in Miami and the Washington Bridge in New York City.  His designs have been sold in the museum shop of the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago and the Wexner Art Center.  His artworks have also been featured throughout the world via numerous art shows, exhibitions, publications, and media outlets over the years.  To his surprise, one of his designs even made it into multiple episodes of the hit British television show “The I.T. Crowd”.

Favorite Beers

Even though people make fun of me for it, I still enjoy Rolling Rock.

Favorite Foods

Potstickers, Dumplings, Hot Pot, Fried Rice, and Pizza.

Spirit Animals

Tigers, Cats, and Pandas.

Marz Designs


Meet more collaborators

Ben Wagner

Designer and Art Director
Meet Ben

Sarah Becan

Comic Artist
Meet Sarah

Adi Goodrich

Artist and Designer
Meet Adi