Liquid Dreams
November 4, 2023
It’s our Marziversary! Come and celebrate with us at our ninth official birthday at the Marz Mothership. We have a full day of fun planned featuring our favorite food, drinks, and great musical and comedy acts.
We are opening a Pop Up Grump-Y Cheese Pizza arcade, a Make your Own Pastry Stout Bar, a Wake and Bake Cafe hosted by Daze Off, a Drink Marz free sampling Bar, The Back Dock Comedy Shop, and Ćevapčići Chicago will be grilling our favorite street food.
House marching band Environmental Encroachment performs at 5pm. Live performances by our favorite Chicago bands starts at 8pm.
Admission is free, but you can RSVP for a sampling glass to get tastes from the Drink Marz Bar where you can sample every beverage we make. Try our full line up of non alcoholic drinks, canned cocktails and beer.
For $20 you can get the Liquid Dreams Swag package which includes a sampling glass to get tastes from the Drink Marz Bar, a live silk screened t- shirt of your choice by Teetsy, and one token for your first full pour of a Marz beer or NA drink. You must get your shirt silk screened by 6pm or you forfeit your shirt from this package. Bring your own garment or grab a free t-shirt from us.
Full program below:
Back Dock:
Noon-6pm Drink Marz Bar – Sample everything we make
4-9pm Wake and Bake Zone hosted by Daze Off
6-9pm – Stand Up Comedy Freak Out hosted by Random Ax
Special Drinks & Cocktails
Noon – Close: Marz Cocktail Bar
12 pm-6pm Pastry Stout Bar
Live Silk Screen Printing:
Noon-6pm: Teetsy live printing + Give A Sh•rt vending
Pick a design to be silk screened live ( Must be printed by 6pm!!)
Featured Food:
Noon to Close: Taco Sublime Specials
Noon to 4pm : Grump-Y Cheese Pizza Arcade ( Detroit Style)
4pm- 8pm: Ćevapčići Chicago
Live Music
5pm Environmental Encroachment
8pm – midnight: GNKO, Winston, Bobby Conn, Baby Teeth